Our socks are awesome. And a Sock Box monthly sock subscription will help bring those socks to you every month. It’s challenging to find awesome socks that you want to show off, but not any more. All of our socks are made from high quality blends. The soft blends ensure a more comfortable fit and socks that won’t shrink when you wash them.

Our socks come from all over, providing an awesomely unique perspective and designs that will no doubt please. We genuinely love our socks (I have some on right now) and we know you will too.

Let’s be honest, from the moment you could walk, you’ve been walking all over your feet. If you’re like I was, you’ve no doubt been hiding them under boring black or white socks for years. A shame really. Now it’s time to show them respect. Your feet deserve to feel and look awesome. They deserve some colour and style. So for $13 bucks a month (including shipping), throw a pair of awesomeness on, roll your pant leg up, and show your feet some love!

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